This amazing supermom is sure to leave you inspired. Amie Burtenshaw is the mom to 6 amazing children! Her oldest, Alexa (pictured with her) - her youngest still under a year. Amie has inspired us by committing to her health and wellbeing by making the gym a regular part of her routine. Arriving in the early morning hours or sneaking in a bit of time here and there - it is so inspiring.

Recently her daughter Alexa expressed interest and has been joining Amie for workouts. They come in and work as a team - challenging and supporting each other. Alexa will be able to take all she has learnt in the gym with her for life and know the value of living a healthy and active life.

Recently I snapped this shot of them doing a beautiful set of stretches at the end of their workout. There are so many amazing things happening with each of their visits to the gym.

Thanks Amie & Alexa for reminding us on the value of such simple moments!!

Alexa & Amie Burtenshaw at LiveWell4Life

Alexa & Amie Burtenshaw at LiveWell4Life