Laura's Favourite Resistance Band Exercises

You may have seen a number of resistance bands floating around the gym, but perhaps you aren't quite sure what they are used for or how they can benefit you. SO, what do resistance bands do? Resistance bands come in all different shapes, colours and sizes, but at the end of the day their main purpose is to add resistance to your exercises, helping to strengthen your muscles while pushing you to work just a little bit harder. 

Resistance bands have a number of benefits when used in addition to traditional strength training methods or as a workout on their own. In addition to their ability to help strengthen muscle groups, they are also affordable, portable and easily accessible. 

6 Benefits of Resistance Band Training: 

1) Help to Tone & Strengthen 

  • As resistance bands stretch, they create increased tension in your muscles and cause them to contract. The more you stretch the band, the more intense the resistance gets, and the harder the exercise becomes. 

2) A Great Tool for Stretching 

  • These stretchy bands are a fantastic addition to your stretching routine, especially if you lack flexibility and mobility. A resistance band enables you to increase the range of motion and deepen the stretch as you gently move the band either away or towards your body.

3) Are a Portable Workout Partner 

  • These bands are the perfect tool to assist those wanting to exercise when traveling. They are extremely lightweight and can easily be stashed in your suitcase or hand luggage.

4) Suitable for All Ages & Abilities

  • Resistance bands work your muscles like weights do – your muscles contract to generate force to stabilize and control the desired movement. However, unlike weights, resistance bands don’t rely on gravity to provide the resistance. This means that the body can move and expand the range of motion in certain exercises (e.g. lift the arms higher in a side arm lift). Resistance bands don't apply pressure in the way that free-weights and dumbbells do, keeping your joints safer allowing people of all ages to reap the benefits of resistance band training. 

5) Affordable 

  • Resistance bands are inexpensive, costing anywhere between $5-10. Just bear in mind that the thicker the band, the more resistance it will have so the harder the exercises will become. Select a variety pack so you always have varying resistances to choose from.

6) They Offer Assistance Through Resistance 

  • Resistance bands can also assist your progress with difficult exercises. For example, for those wanting to get better at pull-ups, simply attach the resistance band to the bar and either under your knee or foot to work your way up to an unassisted version. As you perform the pull-up with the band, your weight is supported by the band, making the exercise more accessible.


Laura's Favourite Resistance Band Exercises

Banded Goblin Walk or Banded Side Shuffle 

Banded Goblin Walk or Banded Side Shuffle 

Banded Glute Bridge 

Banded Glute Bridge