Over the past year or so we have seen an amazing transformation in Jake Biggelaar. Maybe you've seen him working in the gym - sometimes twice a day!  When we asked Jake why exercise is important to him we found out some surprising information...

At the age of 19 he got really sick thinking it was pneumonia and was sent to the hospital and put into an induced comma at one point. When he woke up he had no strength and was essentially paralyzed. Over the last 3-4 years, Jake has found that healthy eating and exercise has literally saved his life! 

He says:  "I want to push my body (myself) to new levels and go further than I did the day before. It's turned into a hobby; I feel great after a workout. I would come on and off before and usually take summers off. But got back into it last fall, now want to keep going all year and see where I can go."

What an inspiration this is - thank you Jake for reminding us that our health is so important and that we should strive each day to reach new levels. Keep pushing yourself everyday!  We love to see your smiling face everyday!!